Breast feeding is highly recommended by the health professions and is increasingly encouraged by the Australian society.
Breast milk is the food that specifically caters to a baby’s growing needs. It can strengthen the baby’s digestion and increases its immune system. The act of breastfeeding can help to promote bonding between the mother and the baby. Where possible, we strongly recommend breastfeeding for the well being of the mother and the baby.
In order to maintain a healthy milk supply for the baby, it is very important that the mum have good nutrition and sufficient fluids to help boost the milk production.
In non-breast feeding women, around 2 litres of fluids per day is sufficient. However, during breast feeding months, fluid consumption should increase to at least 4 litres. They can be in the form of plain water, juices, red dates tea and soups.
A healthy diet is important too, not just for milk production, but also for the health of the mother during the breast feeding months. In Chinese Medicine point of view, milk is the extension of ‘Blood’. So breastfeeding is likened to constant blood loss. This explains why most breastfeeding mothers will not get their period until they stop exclusive breast feeding. Our body is so amazing!
In Chinese Medicine point of view, the quality of the milk is also richest when the women is without period, while the quality of the milk decreases significantly when the period resumes.
At the clinic, we often see breast feeding women present with dizziness, hair loss, tiredness, cold hands and feet, sore lower back (all signs of insufficient Blood). Sometimes, we see mothers suffers severe menopausal symptoms years after having their children. Most of the time, we can trace the cause to excessive breastfeeding during their younger days while also also having their period (therefore causing excessive Blood loss). As you can see, it is very important for breastfeeding mothers to look after their own body’s health during her breastfeeding months.
In our next post, we will share with you two traditional soups which can greatly strengthens the body while stimulating and boosting breast milk, so stay tuned!
Meanwhile, if you are experiencing any of the conditions listed above (dizziness, hair loss, tiredness, cold hands and feet, sore lower back), do speak to your Chinese Medicine practitioner, or call us, to discuss how acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbal medicine can strengthen your body.